<% = Application("BankName") %>
  • Announcement 1 - Monday, March 10, 2025
    NewDear Valued Customer,

    Please be informed that Rexit would be relocating to a new location on 2nd April 2025.

    The new office address would be:
    Units 3-01 to 3-07, Level 3, Menara UAC,
    12, Jalan PJU 7/5, Mutiara Damansara,
    47800 Petaling Jaya,
    Selangor, Malaysia

    The new office contact number would be:
    +603-7495 0000
    InfoGuardian department could be contacted directly at:
    +603-7495 0010

    As such, phone contact and address would be effective from 2nd April 2025.

    Thank you for your continued support of Rexit Berhad. We look forward to serving you better at our new office.


    Rexit Software Sdn Bhd

  • Announcement 2 - Monday, December 2, 2024

    NewImportant Notice To Solicitor:-


    RHB Islamic Bank Berhad  has issued  the new Facility Agreement version 8 and to be adopted with immediate effect
  • Announcement 3 - Monday, July 1, 2024
    NewAttention Solicitors and Property Valuers: Important Security Update

    As part of our enhanced security measures using two-factor authentication (2FA), you are only required to generate the QR code during your initial login. Once you have scanned the QR code, you will not need to scan or generate it each time you log in. For subsequent logins, simply open Google Authenticator mobile app to obtain the TAC (Token Authentication Code) and enter it into the provided field in the InfoGuardian system.

    Thank you for your attention to this important security update.
  • Announcement 4 - Thursday, June 13, 2024

    NewImportant Notice to Solicitor:


    Please be informed that RHB ISLMIC BANK  has issued the new Facility Agreement version 7, which is to be adopted with immediate effect.
  • Announcement 5 - Thursday, March 21, 2024

    NewImportant Notice to Solicitors:

    New enhancement: Phase 1 - Auto prefilled of information into “Facility Agreement” & “Personal Guarantee” with effect from 22/03/2024.

    Solicitor’s Guide – Please Click HERE

  • Announcement 6 - Wednesday, January 3, 2024

    NewImportant Notice To Solicitor:-


    RHB Bank Berhad  has issued  the new Facility Agreement version Dec 2023 and to be adopted with immediate effect

  • Announcement 7 - Thursday, October 26, 2023


    Applicable for SME cases only

    WEF 1/11/2023, solicitor shall only send the security documents for Bank’s execution subject to:

    Confirmation of the following:

    1. Legal fees has been settled by customer
    2. Customer’s Current Account number
    3. For non-standard legal documents which has been duly cleared by the Bank’s Group Legal

    To forward the following documents:

    1. CTC Board Resolution and statutory documents
    2. Complete set of original and signed documents as required in the LO/SLO/LN
    3. CTC documents as required for compliance of all conditions precedent in LO/SLO/LN.  Except:-

    1. placement of FD/CMD-i
    2. submission of valuation report/audited account
    3. relevant approval related to construction
    4. confirmation the differential sum settled
    5. LU from developer/vendor
    6. payment of stamping fees

    1. Evidence of request for redemption statement and consent from debenture holder/ land office/ other relevant authorities (where applicable)
  • Announcement 8 - Friday, February 10, 2023

    NewREMINDER Notice to all Solicitors

    Please update the status for all cases pending disbursement by the 10th and 25th of every month in InfoGuardian, failing which your performance rating will be affected which may result in the suspension of panelship. Please refer to the UPDATED User Manual (Solicitor Business Loans) Pages 33 to 35 for steps to update the case status.

  • Announcement 9 - Monday, January 30, 2023


    Advise To Release & Completion of Security Documentation for Business (ARCS)

    With effective from 30 January 2023, RHB has introduced ARCS (ARCS001/23) for implementation by all solicitors in replacement of our existing Letter of Advise to Drawdown (LAD). 

    You may now download the ARCS under the ‘Templates’ in the menu tab.

  • Announcement 10 - Tuesday, July 19, 2022

    New“Notice to Solicitor”

    Once the documents have been executed by the customer, please update Reason “EXECUST” (description: Document executed by Customer) and Remarks “Customer executed documents on DD/MM/YYYY” at Solicitor -> Solicitor Performance Tracking -> Reason & Remarks Tab in InfoGuardian System.

  • Announcement 11 - Friday, December 17, 2021

    New“Notice to All Solicitors”
    Developer cases - Applicable to financing of property under construction purchased from Developer only

    Pending progressive billings/ confirmation differential sum settled from the developer, Solicitor can proceed to advise for drawdown upon completion of all legal documentation.

  • Announcement 12 - Friday, August 6, 2021


    Applicable for Conventional and Islamic Business financing granted to SME CUSTOMERS

    Pursuant to the Announcement made on Friday, July 30, 2021 on the revised standard documents for SME Customers, please proceed to retrieve other documents (which are not available under the SME Customer Template) from the Non SME Customer Template until further notice from the Bank.

  • Announcement 13 - Friday, July 30, 2021


    Applicable for Conventional and Islamic Business financing granted to SME CUSTOMERS

    Pursuant to Bank Negara Malaysia‘s Fair Treatment of Financial Consumers (“FTFC”) Policy Documents, RHB Bank Berhad and RHB Islamic Bank have revised the Bank’s standard Letter of Set-Off (1st and 3rd party) forms in accordance to FTFC requirements. For all Letter of Offer dated 30th June 2021 onwards,  please adopt the revised documents which can be retrieved under the header “SME Customer” in Templates for Business-Conventional and Business-Islamic. The Bank will not accept the old documents from the effective date onwards.

    For Non SME Customers, the documents can be retrieved under the header “Non SME Customer” in the Templates for Business-Conventional and Business Islamic.

    In addition, standard documents for loans under CGC’s Bizmaju scheme are also available in Templates for Business-Conventional SME Customer.

    Please ensure compliance.

  • Announcement 14 - Friday, June 1, 2018
    New Solicitor system usage fee payable to Rexit is of RM60.00 per case accepted (for lite plan). Invoice would be sent to firm at the beginning of each month.
  • Announcement 15 - Friday, June 1, 2018
    New Solicitor system usage fee payable to Rexit for standard plan is RM2500.00 per annum. Invoice would be sent to firm at the beginning of ​January each year.
  • Announcement 16 - Friday, June 1, 2018
    New Valuer system usage fee payable to Rexit is of RM10.00 per case accepted. Invoice would be sent to firm at the beginning of each month.

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This system is a property of RHB Banking Group, Malaysia and is a private system. All access is monitored and logged. Unauthorized use is prohibited and illegal access will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Have a question? Require assistance? Get in touch with InfoGuardian Support:
Support Hours :
Monday - Friday : 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Saturday, Sunday & Selangor Public Holidays : Closed
Tel : +603-7495 0010 Ext : -  
Fax : - Attn : InfoGuardian Support
E-mail : ig-rhb-support@rexit.com Subject : InfoGuardian Support
User Manual : Solicitor Consumer Loans Property Valuer Consumer Loans
Solicitor Business Loans Property Valuer Business Loans
Rexit Software Sdn Bhd
Units 3-01 to 3-07, Level 3, Menara UAC,
12, Jalan PJU 7/5, Mutiara Damansara,
47800 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

2025 © RHB Bank